Broadside No. 4 (download for print, CMYK, 11×17 PDF 791 KB)

  1. Louise Latterell says:

    wow – you are on fire!! This is one of my fav’s. It makes me think of the iconic Obama image. We need something like that, but not that, and this might be it. The Capital imagery works really well, sunrise behind, year prominently displayed. Is unitedwisconsin the clearing house of recall stuff? I haven’t checked it out yet.

    How about a 2nd recall poster with ? picture of Gov Walker and the classic tweet:
    When you’re on the wrong side of the President, the Pope, and the Packers you should reconsider (that’s the tweet version; for the sign adding Wisconsin families/WI public, and changing the outcome to “you need to go. Recall Scott Walker” or something like that.

  2. Louise Latterell says:

    URGERNT — TAA has 4 pm rally on Thur 2/24 at Koch office

    I was thinking of this as a 3rd recall poster but maybe a different version for this protest if you can swing it
    riff on Gov moving across the street to the Koch office

    here is captime online story about it:
    Koch brothers quietly open lobbying office in downtown Madison

    maybe for the protest today: black and white, tall letters, “THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE”

    Flags are good, in general the protest needs more flags, so any flag imagery might be good

    What about riffing on Gov Walker’s twitter wallpaper — I think it says Wisconsin is open for buisness in blue and white really big ugly font — but make it a Koch/recall post

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